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Thoughts & Inspiration

    Hello all. Whether you have been subscribed to my blog updates or you have come across my page I welcome you to the first update blog! A lot has happened in the past few months and I thought I should let everyone know as well as write down my thoughts and revelation about it all. 

   Back in May, I graduated from Colorado Mountain College in Leadville, Colorado. I have moved home and am adapting to living back with the family in the small town of Carrollton Illinois. Being at home, I am working as much as possible and have been focused on fundraising, building connections, and preparing for the World Race. As I am typing this, I have been 58 percent financially funded and have met the deadline to leave in September! It has been such a blessing to experience and watch as God provides prayerfully and financially through so many different people,  especially when I start to get worried about the financial deadlines and out of nowhere a bunch of anonymous donations come in or people reach out to me to give a donation or provide prayer. There are many days I sit in awe and thankfulness of how God moves. I find that I really cannot understand the grace of God through people as well as the constant grace and love that pours directly from Him. 

  At the end of June, I went down to Georgia to the Adventures in Missions Base where I met my fellow squadmates through a 4-day boot camp. This boot camp was a short training and preparation time for squadmates to talk and prepare ourselves for the realities of following Jesus to the ends of the earth in true surrender. Getting to meet everyone and being a part of that community for just four days was actually life-changing. It was like God handpicked each one of us to bring us together in perfect unity. We also listened to alumni world racers as they gave their testimonies and advice on what we will be putting ourselves through and the fruit of going on a trip like this produces-not only towards the people we will impact through Jesus but ourselves in our personal relationship with God. During these four days I was not filled with fear, anxiety, or confusion, but excitement, drive, and a strong desire to surrender more to God and to be closer to Him, not only for the trip but in the personal atmosphere of my life. 

   So as I continue through the summer until the day I leave I say thank you to whoever has donated, prayed, or just been a supporter. I am not the one doing this, it is truly a body of Christ movement to further the Kingdom in growth. I am just a vessel God is using in this time of life to further HIS glory. I ask that everyone does continue in prayer for me and the team as we transition into this coming season of life and wonder. Do not hesitate to reach out.

   -Through Jesus, Zach Flowers


4 responses to “Personal Blog Update 7/7/21”

  1. Zach, thanks so much for sharing and I am so excited for this upcoming year and the amazing things that God is going to do in your life. It was so nice spending the time with you and the other men at boot camp and look so forward to many more.

  2. Oh my gosh Zach this is beautiful!!!!! I just stumbled upon this and was blown away. How beautiful to hear the way you think about life and this part of your journey. Just like if someone would meet you, anyone who read this would want to support you. Excited to share and always support you !!
    -“through Jesus”??

  3. Just a note of reassurance that prayers from this end are going up each day for you and the team. Thanks for the update . Am thrilled for to be a part of this with you spiritually. In Christ I commend you and praise our God at the same time. Till the next communication, ” Be accurate, Be clear, and be Practical in all you say and do. (Words from the Savior of Men.) -Lyndell