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South Africa-A place of freedom and the work of God’s preeminence. The way that the Lord goes before us, with us, and behind us always seems to put me into a state of wonder and awe. They say you can never leave this place the same and let me tell you I can not and could not leave this place without acknowledging the work that God has done in me and around me. It has been a beautiful blessing to watch and be a part of. 

Jeffreys Bay is a coastal town on the southern tip of the continent of Africa. The town and region have a unique way of pulling people in from all over the world with many cultures and languages established in the town. Along with the many cultures and people here, there are many church establishments and organizations. One of those places is the Global Leadership Academy. Located atop some farmland and overlooking the bay and the town, GLA is a physical and spiritual “light on a hill”. Let me tell you that I’ve never encountered such a place that has established a church community so similar to the church in Acts 2:42-47. Most of the teachers and leaders of the school are either retired missionaries or regular people that have completely given their lives to be servants for God. They truly do it for the glorification of the Lord and the betterness of the community and kids. This place is the definition of servant leadership and esteeming others higher than yourself. And I had the privilege of being a part of it for 2 months. 

Our team, which includes us 8 guys, were given the opportunity to daily work on the maintenance and future of the school for our ministry. We were daily under the leadership and discipleship of a man named Lucas. Lucas is a man daily looking for the opportunity to live in obedience to the Lord. He’s led and been a part of many missions across the world, but for the last few years, God has placed him at GLA to be a shepherd and servant of the people. Lucas and I grew close very quickly and I found most of my time during the day was just sitting and soaking in his discipleship. The daily work and ministry we did vary greatly but all was beneficial Kingdom work. Every day was different and maybe it looked like painting and varnishing the brick of the school, or maybe we staked out the perimeter of the new buildings and future of the GLA community, or maybe it was building a wooden wall for the background of the show-stage. At the end of each day, I knew the work we were doing was setting up a better future for the kids at the school as well as whoever walks in and through GLA. There was a prophecy spoken over the school, it was written on a sign in the staging area. It talks of how the school would raise great leaders, pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries. One day as I was having a Bible study upstairs, God told me that by me sitting there and our team being at that school, we were fulfilling that prophecy. And that fulfilled prophecy taught me that as long as you keep your steps and face towards HIM, everything falls into place before us, with us, and behind us. 

The most marking time for me in South Africa was the testimony of our ministry base host. Her name is Wendy. Wendy is an amazing servant of God that I was truly blessed to be able to live with. Wendy had a 19-year-old son named Austin that went through a gap year mission trip similar to the World Race. He was a kid that was all in for Jesus. He had the vision to go out into all the world and make the Lord’s truth known. Austin eventually met his wife Rebecca through the World Race as they had joined together through ministries. Unfortunately, the day after they got married, they were killed in a car accident and moved on to their true home together with their Creator. As you may guess, this seemed like a devastating loss to many people. In this time, Wendy was led by God to move to Jeffreys Bay and create a space for future World Racers. A space where hundreds of young missionaries could come to and have a home during and through ministry. To this day there is a mission hosting house on the base in memorial of Austin and Rebecca. In remembrance of the reason they lived for – to go and spread HIS love and truth for us. Wendy was an amazing mother figure for me during these last two months, and I pray that I was a son figure for her. The opportunity for her to raise hundreds and maybe even thousands to come in Austin and Rebecca’s name is a living and active testimony of how God makes all things good for those that love him. But one thing I know, and that is of the understanding of God’s love. There is nothing closer to the love of God other than a mother’s love for her boy. 

I will always look back to Africa and remember the amazing things God did around me and the things that are to come there. But seasons change. And now our team is heading to Ecuador, South America. Yes. I know, another route change. The leadership of Adventures in Missions decided that the scene over in Ukraine was too unpredictable. And I’m okay with that. As much as I wanted to help in the neighboring country of Romania, I know God has his plans, and they are always much better. So now we go to South America – we leave in two days and I couldn’t be filled with more expectancy. But we truly don’t know what the next day holds. As we know we are just a mist here and gone. 

I want to thank everyone that stays in fervent prayer for our team. We constantly need it. I wish I could share more in detail the things God is doing through us, but one day soon we’ll have the opportunity to talk about it. I thank you all more than you know. 

Through the Lord God Almighty, 

                                                                   Zach Flowers 


And many more Baptisms to come.

15 responses to “The Wonder of South Africa”

  1. Pressing in to see where God is molding His clay. Not being timid but saying yes to molding you also. That speaks volumes to the heart you carry and the courage you have to press in to hard things. You carry a vision to seek His Truth. And I can’t help but see that He will be faithful to show you that. ??

  2. Zach!!! Brother! I love this so much! I totally agree with every single bit of this! Your zest for the wonders of what our Lord is doing around, and heart for Him is so unmatched. I know God is doing such a BIG work in you and through YOU! He has called you for such a great purpose. Never ever lose your wonder for Him! It’s inspiring and has inspired so many rather you know it or not. -Sista Morg!

  3. Sooo excited to see what God it’s been going in your life,, Go Zach !!!!! Miss u buddy!!!!!!

  4. Amazing Zach. Prayers are always with you. I hope to talk to Tiffany soon. Safe travels. If only everyone could take time for bible study and to be moved by the Spirit, hearing others witness …

  5. This put me to tears reading this because I know how much of a fine young man you are!! Ty is so blessed to have you as a friend You are blessing others as you travel and do God’s work on earth! What a disciple of Jesus! Prayers for safe travel So great to see that smile!

  6. Zachary,
    Your dad and I were blessed to see a small glimpse into your experience in South Africa. The amazing parents and students along with Lucas and Wendy made the trip even more amazing than we could have dreamed. Yes, not much can touch a mother’s love for her children. Well said! We love you and can’t wait to see what is in store for your team in Ecuador. Give our love to everyone! Jesus said, “Go”!

  7. So proud of what you’re doing I am sure you have made an impact on all those around you grandma‘s very proud of you keep up your good work and be safe God bless your grandson

  8. Thank you, Zach! I am enjoying your posts and so excited you are able to work with other believers to minister to His people. I love how God put you & Wendy together. He’s a good, good Father. He will see you safely to Ecuador as His angels have been given charge over you (Psalm 91). Amen.

  9. Zach, I certainly am enjoying your updates and the heart rendering stories you share with us. God seems to always open our eyes & ears to things beyond us that prove his unique. control of lives devoted to this sort of mission work. Isn’t it awesome how He can leave a small part of us with those who cross our path or when we cross the other person’s walk in the Lord? I hear whispers of regret coming through you posts that this all is moving so quickly that we might wish for each experience to never end. Am anticipating some personal time with you some time in our futures. So until then, as a dedicated preacher of my past so brilliantly said to me and my friends years ago……:”Just keep on keeping on and always expect God to fulfill you !” Till we meet again, I’ll just keep you in my daily prayers where ever you might be. Leave a piece of your ‘Person” where ever you go so Christ can become real to them too. Love you, Man. – Lyndell

  10. I love this so much!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh Zach!! Thank you King Jesus :’))) These excerpts have so much LIFE on them. What a blessing to hear and feel through your lens !! Zach you are a treasure. I thank my God for you, as does everyone or thing you’ve encountered

  11. So proud of you, love that you are enjoying your mission. Enjoying your updates, God Bless your team

  12. Zach, you continue to amaze me. Every time I hear you speak or read what you write, my heart is softened in thankfulness. You are such a man of God. I had no idea you were working with Wendy. Austin and Rebecca’s story has moved my heart for the past few years since I first heard it. I am friends with some of Rebecca’s squadmates. Some of her squadmates started a band called “Convent Bonfires” because of the songs they would write together while sitting around a fire in South Africa on their Race 5 years ago. They wrote a song called “For Rebecca and Austin.” It’s beautiful.

    Love you, bro! Keep pursuing God wherever your feet are.

  13. Zach,

    As I read your blog updates (which I love reading) I realize that we are hearing the Holy Spirit speak through and guide you. You are very spiritually mature because you continue to walk so close to Him. Your eyes have been opened to what matters most to us as Christians on this earth and God had been so good as to show you those that truly live for Him. I admire you and all these people and pray that they will continue to see God’s hand in all you do. It’s hard to put into words just how moving your posts have been and what your team has been doing. I’d love to hear your story when you get home. Until then, God’s continued blessings on you all

  14. What an honor to love you as a son. You filled my heart every day with such joy. Thank you for sharing and being part of our journey. You are loved

  15. Zach, this is absolutely beautiful! Your perspective is saturated in your love and fear of GOD and it’s truly a blessing to read about the things our Father has brought you through!