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Hello everyone! I’m so excited to announce that I’m leading a team of missionaries across the world through the organization of the World Race Gap Year! I’m going back out for another 9 months starting this August! On this route, we’ll be going back to Guatemala and South Africa, as well as two new countries- Cambodia and Thailand. I’m so excited to be able to go back and grow our connections and relationships that we’ve previously established, as well as start new ones. There are big things the Lord has planned as I know He’s called me to this position with others being called as well! I’m so grateful, humbled, and excited to be in such a place to serve. I’m also so grateful that I get to share it with all of you! 

So what is “Squad Leading”? In the gap year program, there are 30-45 young adults ages 17-20 that are on a squad. There is also a group of squad leaders that oversee and lead everyone. So I’ll be the one out of the six that will be “squad leading”. Within the entire squad, teams will be created to split off and do different ministries throughout each country we go to. 

The Lord has spoken pastorship over my life in the past year. I’ve recently come to the understanding that a pastor is a shepherd of the sheep, a faithful steward for God to use to help lead his flock. I pray that God lets me be faithful with the smaller “talents” to be faithful with the larger ones. It’s a big responsibility, but I couldn’t see myself doing anything else for Him. 

For me to go on this trip I will need to raise $6,000. I’m also going through the journey of fundraising again and I’m confident that the Lord will provide! 

The biggest favor I ask from all of you is to cover me and the team in prayer going into the mission and as we’re on the field for the next year. I would also appreciate it if you’d consider donating if you feel led to. The easiest way to give is through the fundraising bar at the top of this page. You can also keep up to date by subscribing to my blog at the top left of the page. I will be trying to post a lot more this time around lol.  

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support but most of all the love you’ve poured out to me. Talk to you soon.

-Zach Flowers

4 responses to “I’m Squad Leading!”

  1. Zach, I’m so excited you’re going out to lead. You’re a good man whose love for the Lord and for His people is so evident. I can’t wait to share this journey with you!

  2. YAY!!!! This squad is freaking BLESSED!! Zach Flowers AND the Swans??!!!? The Lord has big things for this year, I can feel it! Praying for you guys!

  3. Hey Zach, super excited for you and for your opportunity to squad lead!! I look forward to meeting you in person!

  4. Zach, I’m glad you have this opportunity to grow in Christ and also in leadership. Wishing you the best!